Practical Tip #52 – Go on a Hayride

As I look back on the years with the blessing of Tristan, I am amazed that the amount of our particpation in family activities has increased! Honestly, for a long time, the list was short. Church, McDonald’s, parks, and two hours at a family gathering. That was all we could muster the energy to do outside our home. Our home was our sanctuary to manage Tristan.

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Practical Tip#37- Magical Nighttime Fun!

Brian and I decided to tackle a new activity with Tristan. I found an activity on-line called a “Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt.” I thought what a fun idea! This would be a good night-time sensory activity.10934.jpeg


I know doing any activity requires pre-planning. I gathered all the supplies and was ready for Tristan’s home weekend visit!
We waited for it to get dark…. Then I quickly prepared the eggs in another room while Brian entertained Tristan. The eggs were ready to go in a paper bag.
Brian sneaked out the front door with the paper bag. He returned a few minutes later.
I looked out the window.
24 Eggs scattered in the front yard.
I handed Tristan a basket and said, “We are going to the front yard to pick up eggs!”
He put on his coat, and we walked out the front door.
It looked magical!
We explained to him what the game was. (finding eggs and putting them into the basket) He enjoyed the activity searching for the eggs.
It took about 20 minutes for him to pick them all up. (I had high hopes of this being a color sorting activity for him to enjoy, but honestly when they glow they are all yellow.)
Back inside we went…
When we came into the house, he opened each egg.  When he turned off the battery tea light, then he could see what color the egg was. He seemed to enjoy this color guessing activity!
This was a win-win activity!
Since he functions at a toddler/pre-school level, we will enjoy this for several more weekends.

This idea came from the website