Maybe Someday

We headed to an event, The Hoosier Star. We got all dressed up. Tristan took a long nap during the day. Tristan and I made his favorite dinner. Everything was perfect for a night out. With the exception that we know when we go out to any activity, there is a chance we will only stay for part of the event.

We had a picture of the events on his device. I explained to him where we were going and what to expect. On paper, it looked like it would be a successful night out. Until it was not.

We left after intermission. A meltdown out of nowhere emerged. We have learned to exit quickly!

On the drive home, I remuniated over what we could have done differently. Nothing came to mind. I have to remember we all have good and bad days. Tristan is only able to communicate to a certain level. He became agitated for whatever reason. I looked at Brian and said, “Maybe someday we will last the entire event when he gets a bit older.” I was trying to convince myself that it is okay, even though it stings a bit that we have not mastered community events. Taking Tristan out and enjoying different experiences is best, even in slices.

And this is where he is forever. That is okay, too. I will keep adjusting my expectations to match his developmental age.

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Book Review – #1 Recommendation

For some, autism is a new topic. When Tristan was in therapy, and the diagnosis was not concluded, I read every book I could find at the library on this topic. There were many books. I am still determining how I found the time to read, except being at home full-time required me to keep my brain fresh by soaking in reading whenever possible. I would have reading material nearby if he was in the bathtub or sandbox.

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Bed Wetting Issues?–DIY Mattress Cover

Bed wetting can be a challenge. Some of our children will simply not outgrow this.   We have tried many things to keep  the mattress dry throughout the night.  I bought several different diapers and they all leak to some degree. I have also tried many different mattress covers, all of which our son has ripped apart.

Last year, we bought a new mattress.  The plastic covering that came on it was perfect!  Finally, something durable that Tristan was not ripping off.  Unfortunately the plastic cover only lasted so long.  The other day I had an idea.  I purchased a thick shower curtain, draped it over the mattress, and duct taped it on the under side.  Viola!  It has been highly effective.

Do you have products you recommend on this subject?  Do you have any tips to share


Practical Tip #12- Friendships

unnamed  I think many people struggle in this area of life.  When a family adds a special needs family member, the whole family has a new dynamic.   This dynamic changes for every member of the family. Every ones friendships changes.  It is not right or wrong, it is just how life is.   Let me explain.  I have limited time to invest in anything. This includes how much time I can spend with friends.

Unfortunately friendships are one of the areas that can slip through the crack of my life.  I could no longer go to friends houses for a “play-dates”.  Whereas my first son, I was able to go a lot of places.  With Tristan it was too much work.  I had to adjust in my area of life with friendships.  I began hosting visits at my house to ensure safety was not an issue.   This would also keep sensory issues down so I could actually visit.  I would intentionally plan times in my weekly schedule to phone a friend.  I would send simple short notecards to friends.

In later post I will address how friendships change for my husband, teenage son, and Tristan.

How do you cultivate and maintain friendships?